Office cubicle decorating tips

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Since office cubicles have become the standard of the twenty first century work place, hundreds and thousands of ideas are being strewn around in the context of office cubicle decorating and office cubicle personalization. This is of course natural to be expected, because the average office cubicle employee spends over two thousand hours every year at his or her office cubicle pounding away at computer keyboards or answering telephones and such. It is but natural to expect the office cubicle to be somewhat personalized and the office cubicle space somewhat made appealing and pleasant so you can be at your best productive capacity. And companies do understand this aspect very well. They would rather have you put up pictures and calenders and plants and other motivational posters and thus personalize your cubicle and be highly productive instead of staying withing the three bland gray cubicle walls and not be productive.

However, office cubicle decoration is an art by itself and needs to be done with excellent taste and some restraint. The core concept in cubicle decorating is to allow you to personalize and motivate. The purpose of cubicle decorating is not to show off all of your personal effects and display your interior decorating excellence unless you are inside of a cubicle working for an interior decorating firm. Cluttering the office cubicle with too many artifacts, magazines, overplacement of plants and having flowering plants that emit strong scents is definitely a bad idea. In fact, there have been some cases, where people have put in small cages of animals such as rabbits and other rodents such as white mice. That is absolutely outrageous.

Do not place posters that may offend co-workers. Placing books and magazines is okay, except they need to be office appropriate. Books and magazines that are highly political or advocate religious beliefs on to others are not office appropriate and should be refrained from being placed in office cubicles. There was an office cubicle that someone had decorated that had a book titled how to get your next job interview; this one would agree is not a good idea. Unless you are in the comedy business, do not place a book that says how to say no to your boss.

In summary, use your best judgement in decorating your office cubicle. Be mindful of others and use as many neutral colors and schemes in the decorating tinsels and posters that you put up. And remember, you are decorating your office cubicle and not your basement and so plenty of thought needs to go in before the pictures and posters go up.

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