Cheap office cubicles etiquette

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Office cubicles are found nowadays in virtually every organization be it manufacturing companies, warehouses, IT firms, law offices and so on as a cheap method to organize and set up office space organization. Many of these cheap office cubicles provide some sort of partitioning of worker space layouts and offer a little bit of privacy. However, cheap office cubicles do not offer any level of acoustic isolation and this leads to the subject of maintaining proper etiquette when working in an office area that is filled with cheap office cubicles otherwise known as cubicle farms.

The first and foremost in the area of proper office cubicle etiquette is to maintain a low tone of voice when using the telephone and speaking with customers and clients. While everyone in the office is expected to spend the major portion of their work day doing work, which may involve customer interactions, your voice needs to be low enough in volume that everyone else’s work does not get affected and high enough so your customer can hear you clearly. There is no need to advertise to the world about what and how you speak to your customers. Even when speaking in a low tone of voice, choice of elegant and professional wording in your conversations is essential, so that the little bit of sound that the others hear reflects your high standards in the office cubicle environment.

Secondly, keep private conversations with spouses, friends and relatives to a minimum. Not only does this shield your private life from the snooping ears of your office colleagues, it also prevents affecting other peoples’ work habits. No one needs to know about the wild parties that you have been having on weekends or the family financial situations that need your wise inputs. Private conversations are the biggest problems that are constantly a source of consternation to fellow office cubicle workers.

Thirdly, if you have your cell phone on during office hours, turn it into a vibrating mode. Nothing is more aggravating than hearing a hundred cell phones go off at various points during the work day especially when working in cubicle farms. And what is even more annoying are the myriads of cell phone ring tones that are installed nowadays. Turning off the cell phone or switching to a vibrating mode is preferable office cubicle etiquette. If you really have to use your cell phone, text messaging is preferable as opposed to voice conversations.

Remember, while you may have your own cubicle space in the office, you are still sharing it with fellow workers and you must respect their office cubicle space and their need for a professional office environment so they too can be productive at work.

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  1. That's an awesome post!! :)
    I have worked in some many cube farms it ridiculous. It seems as though the cubicles create a subculture of people. Hopefully if you are serious about your job, you'll be placed next to serious minded people. I don't think I have have ever worked in a cube setting that blocked out as much noise as I like.

  2. Yes, cubicles aren't entirely private, nor do these hide you from the eyes of your supervisors. A cubicle only gives you so much freedom in your work, but etiquette must still be followed.

    Daniel Todman
