Office cubicles space design

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As an office manager or business owner that has a need to design an office space for your personnel, you may want to consider putting in office cubicles as an efficient way to organize your office space in a fairly inexpensive manner. Once you have decided to go the route of office cubicles instead of individual offices, there are some design considerations that you may want to go through in your mind, prior to purchasing office cubicles or signing a contract with an office cubicles contractor. In this article we will briefly outline some of the office cubicles design considerations strictly from the stand point of space issues. Office cubicles design considerations from other stand points will be dealt with in another article.

First, identify how many people will be occupying the office space. Out of the number of people that will be occupying the office, identify how many employees will need absolute privacy in their work. Examples of such employees include people that deal directly with payroll services and other personnel that deal with employee private data such as social security numbers, health data and other people that handle highly sensitive company information. You do not want to put such people into office cubicles. They will end up needing completely private offices with sufficient acoustical isolation.

Of the people that do not fall into the above category, break down the remaining into two groups. One that can share a cubicle and the other that cannot share an office cubicle. Those that can share an office cubicle, can be placed in cheap office cubicles that can accommodate two to four personnel each. Those that cannot share an office cubicle will have to be placed in single person cubicles. The next step to identify is the space of each cubicle. This is by far the most difficult choice to make. The two opposing design considerations are giving ample space within the office cubicle to enable the person working within it to be able to store all their files, computers and other office stuff comfortably enough for easy storage and retrieval and yet keep the office cubicle space as small as possible to reduce the space occupied by each person. This is especially true of office cubicles in offices in prime real estate downtown offices in metropolitan cities worldwide.

Office cubicles that have been designed with too much space are a drag on the cost of office operations from several stand points including the cost of heating and airconditioning per person, lighting costs per person and real estate costs per person. At the same time, a poorly designed office cubicle space that is extremely cramped in space is a drag on employee productivity and the hidden costs may be far more than one had anticipated. Striking a well balance in absolutely necessary in office cubicles purchase. Many times, the seller of office cubicles can provide quite a bit of helpful information in this regard and you may want to avail yourself of all the information and help that they can provide.

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1 comment:

  1. Beware for the hidden cost,many companies loots customers through hidden cost.
